Sweets & Snacks
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No. 00100568 1,296 YEN ≒ 8.65 USD Low temperature dried Yacon powder suitable for... |
No. 00100565 Roasted Black-Soy beans-Natural-(100g) 522 YEN ≒ 3.49 USD Natural sweetness from domestically cultivated ... |
No. 00100574 Japanese Brown Rice Crackers -Five Grains(100g) 369 YEN ≒ 2.46 USD Best of all five grains! A deliciouse and healt... |
No. 00100573 Japanese Classic Brown Rice Cakes-Soy sauce flavor- 373 YEN ≒ 2.49 USD Simple is best for the senbei masterDelicious d... |
No. 00100572 Japanese Brown Rice Crackers -Hiziki Sea Vegetable(100g) 373 YEN ≒ 2.49 USD A yummy Senbei cracker full of nutritious Hizik... |
No. 00100571 Japanese Brown Rice Crackers -White Whole Sesame(120g) 382 YEN ≒ 2.55 USD A great match of brown rice and white sesameBac... |
No. 00100570 Japanese Brown Rice Crackers -Black Whole Sesame(120g) 382 YEN ≒ 2.55 USD An exquisite harmony of rice and black sesame s... |
No. 00100498 298 YEN ≒ 1.99 USD 100% vegetable origin ingredients!Raw carrot is... |
No. 00100418 Rice Animals〜Rice& Sweet Potato~ 298 YEN ≒ 1.99 USD Super hard baked cookies made with sweet potato... |
No. 00100417 340 YEN ≒ 2.27 USD The fresh flavor of domestic citrus peel- Hard ... |