
Contamination-free sea salt made by drying at low temperature, in the emerald green sea water in the coral reef at Ishigaki-Island, in Okinawa, consists of very fine particles and is very good for cooking in general. The sea salt made by pumping sea water at Izu Oshima, concentrating it in the sun at sloping salt terrace and boiling it in pot, has a sweet flavor after the salty taste, is suitable for dishes to make something of salty flavor, such as salt broiling and pickles.

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No. 00100519

Bamboo・Goma-shio-Ume Pickled Perilla-40g

327 YEN ≒ 2.18 USD

Sesame with the refreshing flavor of Ume pickle...

*Out of stock

No. 00100404

Bamboo Sesame Salt-Organic-

314 YEN ≒ 2.10 USD

Bamboo sesame salt. A resource of power from th...


No. 00100016

Low temperature processed Sea Salt 200g

740 YEN ≒ 4.94 USD

Taste the Sea Slowly crystalised at low te...

*Out of stock

No. 00100015

Low temperature processed Sea Salt 100g

490 YEN ≒ 3.27 USD

Taste the Sea Slowly crystalised at low te...

*Out of stock

No. F00200

Salt of Good Fortune

1,080 YEN ≒ 7.21 USD

Using the salt waters that flow from the myster...

*Out of stock

No. MU10429

Umi no Sei Pickling Salt1.5kg

3,240 YEN ≒ 21.63 USD

100% Izu Oshima-Japan origin seawater. Useful f...

*Out of stock

No. MB3564

Umi no Sei Red Label (value pack)3kg

6,000 YEN ≒ 40.06 USD

Izu-Oshima-Japan origin seawater 100%. Concentr...


No. MU10416

Umi no Sei Red Label (Large)500g

1,296 YEN ≒ 8.65 USD

Izu-Oshima-Japan origin seawater 100%. Concentr...

[1 - 8] of [8]
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