Pasta & Noodles

Soba, nutritious and highly digestible meal, is a healthy noodle dish good both by heating and cooling. Besides juwari soba made of 100% buckwheat flour without any binder ingredient and fine noodle soba easy to eat, we are offering a wide variety of Japanese traditional noodles, such as udon and somen. Healthy Ramen cooked only with vegetable ingredients and noodles with no lye water used is very popular among the consumers.

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[1 - 10] of [15]

No. SO0010464

Shimabara hand-pulled Somen noodles

1,156 YEN ≒ 7.72 USD

*Out of stock

No. 00400461

Miwa Yamakatsu Hand-pulled Somen noodles

648 YEN ≒ 4.33 USD

Noodles with Yoshino Kuzu made by our original ...


No. 00400428

Halal Instant Miso Ramen ~ Bean paste taste ~

194 YEN ≒ 1.30 USD

Non fried Instant Noodles made from 100% Hokkai...

*Out of stock

No. 00400427

Halal Instant Shoyu Ramen ~ Soy sauce taste ~

194 YEN ≒ 1.30 USD

Non fried Instant Noodles made from 100% Hokkai...

*Out of stock

No. 00400426

Halal Instant Shio Ramen ~ salt taste ~

194 YEN ≒ 1.30 USD

Non fried Instant Noodles made from 100% Hokkai...

*Out of stock

No. 00100379

Nagasaki Noodle- Fish Soup-

252 YEN ≒ 1.68 USD

Japanese style soup with seafood soy sauce. Ric...


No. 00100378

Veggie Ramen Noodle ~ Savory Miso~

228 YEN ≒ 1.52 USD

Fresh taste of vegetable origin ingredients. Ri...

*Out of stock

No. 00100377

Veggie Ramen Noodle ~ Original Syoyu~

228 YEN ≒ 1.52 USD

Fresh taste of vegetable origin ingredients. De...

*Out of stock

No. 00100094

Organic Buckwheat noodle-Fresh-

499 YEN ≒ 3.33 USD

Buckwheat noodle from Oku-Izumo, where there ar...

*Out of stock

No. 00100074

Whole-wheat S?men Noodle

529 YEN ≒ 3.53 USD

[limited quantity] Whole-wheat Sōmen noodle, w...

*Out of stock
[1 - 10] of [15]
Macrobiotic.. This is a regimen that incorporates such concepts as Zen, Feng-Shui, Yin Yang and Tao. These concepts unify the essence of Japan's spirituality and outlook on the Universe..  The purpose of the Macrobiotic Asia website is to bring together products from Natures bounty as well as processed products and deliver them to the world in the Japanese spirit of harmony.
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