
Miwa Yamakatsu Hand-pulled Somen noodles

Item Number:00400461
Price:648 YEN
≒ 4.33 USD

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Noodles with Yoshino Kuzu made by our original non-oil process.

These noodles are made using a unique non-oil process that spares no effort in using the best ingredients. The use of light flour used for Japanese confectionery, etc., which contains little gluten, has maximized the flavor and sweetness of the noodles. In addition, Yoshino kuzu (arrowroot starch) is used to make the noodles shiny and smooth after boiling. It is also ideal for salads, soups, and miso soup.

Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture
Ingredients: Wheat flour, salt, starch
Storage: Keep in a well-ventilated place with little humidity. Avoid direct sunlight.
Other Precautions: Do not consume if you are allergic to wheat.
Take care when boiling noodles to avoid burns.

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