Food supplements

Besides, supplement made of Okinawa origin vegetable, Kwanso, highly effective for insomnia, biwa seeds powder highly effective to improve immunity and control blood sugar level. Watermelon sugar effective to get rid of the body’s toxins, and improve metabolism, we are dealing with various kinds of plant extracts for use in Japanese traditional domestic medicine.

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[1 - 10] of [37]

No. 00101746

Plum Extract with Honey

2,800 YEN ≒ 18.63 USD

Ume plum extract and sunflower honey blended in...


No. 00101745

Plum extract with Fructooligosaccharide 180g

2,800 YEN ≒ 18.63 USD

Ume(Plum) extract blended with fructooligosac...


No. 00101146

L-Theanine Sleeping support 90capsules

7,980 YEN ≒ 53.10 USD

Product Overview Description L-Theanine, ...

*Out of stock

No. 10002635

Genki☆Koso Enzyme 300g(10g×30)x3boxes

17,748 YEN ≒ 118.10 USD

Great Healthy Enzyme "You are what you eat...


No. 00100569

Genki☆Koso Enzyme 300g(10g×30)

6,800 YEN ≒ 45.25 USD

Great Healthy Enzyme "You are what you eat...


No. 00101243

Organic Japanese Green Juice

6,300 YEN ≒ 41.92 USD

Drinking green juice called "AOJIRU" is very po...


No. 00101299

Genki☆Zen-dama Lactic Acid Bacterium producing supplement (5g×30sachets)

4,200 YEN ≒ 27.95 USD

Lactic Acid Extract Produced by Bacteri...


No. 00300096

Bio-Normalizer Tablet

6,804 YEN ≒ 45.27 USD

Japanese fermentation technique with tropic...


No. 00100819

Aureobasidium Pullulans Jelly Supplement

9,800 YEN ≒ 65.21 USD

PRODUCT INFO What is aureobasidium pullulans? ...


No. 00300156

Itchnon SP-130 tablets

10,584 YEN ≒ 70.43 USD

@import url(

[1 - 10] of [37]
Macrobiotic.. This is a regimen that incorporates such concepts as Zen, Feng-Shui, Yin Yang and Tao. These concepts unify the essence of Japan's spirituality and outlook on the Universe..  The purpose of the Macrobiotic Asia website is to bring together products from Natures bounty as well as processed products and deliver them to the world in the Japanese spirit of harmony.
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