
Aureobasidium Pullulans Jelly Supplement

Item Number:00100819
Price:9,800 YEN
≒ 65.43 USD

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What is aureobasidium pullulans?
●The main three component included in aureobasidium pullulans

  1. Soluble form of β-1, 3-1, 6-glucan have the element of emulsifiability
    Aureobasidium pullulans is rich in β-1, 3-1, 6 glucan which has the function of immunomodulation and detox. Because of the water solubility and emulsifiability, not only the function of intestinal absorption but the absorption of the whole body will be enhanced. Due to the immunostimulation, it can remove contamination such as cancer cell. Also scientifically, there are a lot of chelate function groups inside the molecular which eliminates harmful metal and chemical substances. The circulation and metabolism will run smooth by these substances and recovers the natural function of the body.

  2. Aureobasidium pullulans and sugar chain
    Along of the fermentation, aureobasidium pullulans increases in the form of furmentation liquor. Especially, complex carbohydrate (fatty acids or amino acid that are joint to sugar chain) on the surface of fungus are effective to people who are sick or people whose physical strength has declined. It is a efficient resource of complex sugar chain and helps to repair the lack of carbohydrate and abnormal sugar chain. The slimy substance of the Glycoprotein (amino acid) is said to protect cells, tissues and organs. Thus people who are sick or people whose physical strength has declined tends to have the problem of low biosynthetic capacity to build up monosaccharide and constitute complex sugar chain. By supplying the nutrition, building monosaccharide to complex sugar chain will be done smoothly.

  3. Superior prebiotics
    A good bacterium such as bifidus bacillus which improves the intestinal environment is rich in bioactive substance such as fructo-oligosaccharide, vitamin, amino acid, nucleic acid. Intestinal mucosa has 70% of all immune cells and unless the intestinal is not clean the healing power of nature will be non-recoverable. By cleaning the intestinal environment , it normalize the intestinal function. There is a finding that when making yogurt by adding aureobasidium pullulans will produce a even better and tastier yogurt.

●Β-glucan in aureobasidium pullulans
A kind of polysaccharide that is made by numerous glucose. Polysaccharide is created by a combination of many monosaccharide and is a high molecular weight carbohydrate. For example, starch, cellulose and glycogen are reprentative carbohydrate that are high in molecular weight. The molecular structure of Β-glucan is shaped in hexagon and depending on the placement of carbon the characteristic changes to a completely different substance. According to the binding side the classification could be divided in 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, and so on.

Ingredients:aureobasidium pullulans, fructo-oligosaccharide, fish collagen, red wine extract (with resveratrol), citric acid, flavoring

Content Weight:510g (17g×30bags)

Direction:take 1-4 bags per day

Nutrition Facts (per bag 17g)
Calories 14kcal
Protein 1.0g
Fat 0.03g
Carbohydrate 2.4g
Sodium 3.5g
B-glucan 102mg

What is aureobasidium pullulans?
●The main three component included in aureobasidium pullulans

  1. Soluble form of β-1, 3-1, 6-glucan have the element of emulsifiability
    Aureobasidium pullulans is rich in β-1, 3-1, 6 glucan which has the function of immunomodulation and detox. Because of the water solubility and emulsifiability, not only the function of intestinal absorption but the absorption of the whole body will be enhanced. Due to the immunostimulation, it can remove contamination such as cancer cell. Also scientifically, there are a lot of chelate function groups inside the molecular which eliminates harmful metal and chemical substances. The circulation and metabolism will run smooth by these substances and recovers the natural function of the body.
  2. Aureobasidium pullulans and sugar chain
    Along of the fermentation, aureobasidium pullulans increases in the form of furmentation liquor. Especially, complex carbohydrate (fatty acids or amino acid that are joint to sugar chain) on the surface of fungus are effective to people who are sick or people whose physical strength has declined. It is a efficient resource of complex sugar chain and helps to repair the lack of carbohydrate and abnormal sugar chain. The slimy substance of the Glycoprotein (amino acid) is said to protect cells, tissues and organs. Thus people who are sick or people whose physical strength has declined tends to have the problem of low biosynthetic capacity to build up monosaccharide and constitute complex sugar chain. By supplying the nutrition, building monosaccharide to complex sugar chain will be done smoothly.
  3. Superior prebiotics
    A good bacterium such as bifidus bacillus which improves the intestinal environment is rich in bioactive substance such as fructo-oligosaccharide, vitamin, amino acid, nucleic acid. Intestinal mucosa has 70% of all immune cells and unless the intestinal is not clean the healing power of nature will be non-recoverable. By cleaning the intestinal environment , it normalize the intestinal function. There is a finding that when making yogurt by adding aureobasidium pullulans will produce a even better and tastier yogurt.

●Β-glucan in aureobasidium pullulans
A kind of polysaccharide that is made by numerous glucose. Polysaccharide is created by a combination of many monosaccharide and is a high molecular weight carbohydrate. For example, starch, cellulose and glycogen are reprentative carbohydrate that are high in molecular weight. The molecular structure of Β-glucan is shaped in hexagon and depending on the placement of carbon the characteristic changes to a completely different substance. According to the binding side the classification could be divided in 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, and so on.

●The effect of drinking aureobasidium pullulans

  • inhibit tumor
  • production of interleukin
  • antiallergy
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antioxidant
  • promote sugar metabolism
  • lower cholesterol
  • regulate blood pressure
  • prevent arteriosclerosis
  • protect from radiation-active rays
  • normalize organs
  • improve liver function
  • increase renal function
  • improve gastrointestinal function
  • relieve constipation
  • beautifying skin
  • promote growth of hair
  • enhance physical strength

What is resveratrol?

  • Red wine essence including 5% of resveratrol
  • anti-aging effect

Why it works to cancer?
When converting 10mg of resveratrol to red wine
100 glassful of resveratrol → 15 bottle of red wine

  • inhibit tumor
  • production of interleukin
  • antiallergy
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antioxidant
  • promote sugar metabolism
  • lower cholesterol
  • regulate blood pressure
  • prevent arteriosclerosis
  • protect from radiation-active rays
  • normalize organs
  • improve liver function
  • increase renal function
  • improve gastrointestinal function
  • relieve constipation
  • beautifying skin
  • promote growth of hair
  • enhance physical strength

What is resveratrol?

  • Red wine essence including 5% of resveratrol
  • anti-aging effect

Why it works to cancer?
When converting 10mg of resveratrol to red wine
100 glassful of resveratrol → 15 bottle of red wine

Content Weight:510g (17g×30bags)

Nutrition Facts (per bag 17g)
Calories 14kcal
Protein 1.0g
Fat 0.03g
Carbohydrate 2.4g
Sodium 3.5g
B-glucan 102mg


aureobasidium pullulans, fructo-oligosaccharide, fish collagen, red wine extract (with resveratrol), citric acid, flavoring


take 1-4 bags per day

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