Health Treatment

Abrasions/synthetic surfactant free black baked eggplant made by using domestically grown sun-dried eggplant, can be substitute for toothbrushing paste. Also available health chip to promote blood circulation and provide relief from shoulder stiffness, and backache by pressing force effect and biocurrent effect, heat pad to keep warm for 20 minutes after placing it in microwave oven for one minute, 100% natural deodorant spray combining persimmon tannin extracted from persimmon juice.

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[1 - 10] of [10]

No. 00702030

Adio If Star Head

18,514 YEN ≒ 123.62 USD

Living creatures possess an innate ability to h...


No. HF0021

Incoro drops

3,240 YEN ≒ 21.63 USD

Sugar-free candy with the extract of swallow's ...


No. MU63426

LIMA NATURAL Dental White 60g

2,970 YEN ≒ 19.83 USD

Whitening, Fresh Breath, Good Oral Hygienewith ...


No. 5245


12,343 YEN ≒ 82.41 USD

"Eyepathy", the pendants that heals your eyest...


No. 00702094

Result -Wave Resonance Pendant

18,514 YEN ≒ 123.62 USD

Keeping a good meridian balance via wave motion...


No. MB2687

CLINICEL (Scar/Burn treatment) Small Size 1p (7cm x 7cm)

12,000 YEN ≒ 80.12 USD

We are sorry that this item is discontinued.Tha...

*Out of stock

No. MU63447

BIO WHITE DENCY S (Refill) 20g

1,980 YEN ≒ 13.22 USD

No additives used, Powder toothbrush, Plant bas...


No. MU63446

Bio White Dency S 20g

2,310 YEN ≒ 15.42 USD

No additives used, Powder toothbrush, Plant bas...


No. MB2493

Aroma Hot Pad (Ginger) 345g×1p

3,080 YEN ≒ 20.57 USD

Just warm up in a microwave, Nice and warm by b...

*Out of stock

No. MB6959

MASTIC Dental Gel α 45g

1,944 YEN ≒ 12.98 USD

100% plant ingredient -MASTIC is an indigeno...

*Out of stock
[1 - 10] of [10]
Macrobiotic.. This is a regimen that incorporates such concepts as Zen, Feng-Shui, Yin Yang and Tao. These concepts unify the essence of Japan's spirituality and outlook on the Universe..  The purpose of the Macrobiotic Asia website is to bring together products from Natures bounty as well as processed products and deliver them to the world in the Japanese spirit of harmony.
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