
Adio If Star Head

Item Number:00702030
Price:18,514 YEN
≒ 123.62 USD

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Living creatures possess an innate ability to heal themselves through ‘natural healing.’ We invite you to try "Adio If", which provides support of that basic ability.

Activating the brain stem is the key to improving the natural healing ability.
Located in the central region of the brain, the brain stem, also known as the reptilian brain, has the important role of sending the signals necessary for life.
The brain stem oversees all activity in living creatures (nerves, blood, respiration, hormones, the 5 senses) and is the source of life energy, in other words, it controls the strength of natural healing.

The Principle
The brain stem is called the brain of life, and vibrations to it can cause negative effects to the entire body. The disturbed rhythm of the brain stem, when brought into close proximity to “If”, will gradually start to vibrate at a similar frequency, and thus will gradually be guided to the brain stems ideal frequency. This phenomenon is known as wave resonance. (Similar to the principle of a tuning fork)

The brain stem has an ideal frequency, and everybody is born with this frequency. However, the influence of modern life has thrown that frequency into disarray. “If” will guide the brain stem back to its ideal frequency and reactivate it, enabling it to send out the proper signals to the body’s nervous system.

Cleansing reaction of Adio If
At the beginning of wearing this pendant, your body react sensitively, and it might arise various changes. For example, feeling hot, heavy, sleepy, or starting to have pain on old sores and so on.
These are signs that your innate itself are activated and it doesn’t mean you get sick. Of course some people don’t have any symptoms at all, so those sings cannot be a judgemental standard for its effect.

In case you have acute headache, stomach ache, chest ache and so on, go to hospital immediately and consult with a doctor.

Do you want to see the effects of "Adio If"?
Here is the movie of the Adio If's effects. Please watch the moive from 3:26 to 5:31.

5 Special Features
• Its small size, as well as the ability to be worn or carried, or just placed somewhere nearby makes it easy to use.
• It is safe as it is not something you eat or drink.
• It does not have any side effects or strong stimulating effects.
• It is economical as it can be used semi-permanently.
• Can be used in conjunction with other treatments.

Product Details
Size: External dimensions: diameter 18x thickness 5mm
Material: Synthetic resin
Shape: Octagon
Color tone: Light red (transparent)
Weight: 1g (Extremely lightweight)

Information Part:
The information part integrated in the middle of the head of the pendant is a miniature metallic chip that is approximately 1mm wide and 0.1mm thick. It emits ideal waves that resonate with the brain stem. These sensitive waves are known as ‘0 (zero) Waves’.

There is an engraving of the 'If' logo.

The string is made of 100% waxed cotton fibers, and has a length of 85cm. If it is necessary to change the string, please use a material that will not interfere with the sensitive 0 waves (cotton, hemp, silk, leather, hair).

Directions for use
It is intended to be used as a pendant that is hung around the neck. This is to minimize interference from outside sources because the waves that are emitted are minute. Please try to maintain natural environmental conditions.
For example, please do not wear precious metals or a wristwatch. Avoid wearing tight clothing and shoes. Choose clothing made of natural fibers, and avoid wearing stimulating perfumes.


This is a regimen that incorporates such concepts as Zen, Feng-Shui, Yin Yang and Tao. These concepts unify the essence of Japans spirituality and outlook on the Universe.. The purpose of the Macrobiotic Asia website is to bring together products from Nature''s bounty as well as processed products and deliver them to the world in the Japanese spirit of harmony.

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