Sesame Seeds/Perilla/Chia Seeds

Chemical/additive/color free egoma (perilla) paste is suitable for marinated and cooked dishes. Selected sesame and sesame/egoma processed products, such as 100% domestically grown precious gold sesame seeds, with rich flavor and mild taste by far infrared direct roasting.

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[1 - 10] of [16]

No. 00101453

Whole Grain Sesame Paste(Black) 100g

663 YEN ≒ 4.43 USD

Rich and sweet black sesame paste with delicate...


No. 00101455

Sprouted Wholesome Black Sesame Seeds paste (100g)

721 YEN ≒ 4.81 USD

Milky and sweet black sesame paste The artis...


No. 00101456

Sprouted Wholesome Golden Sesame Seeds paste (100g)

820 YEN ≒ 5.48 USD

Milky sweetness. King of sesame “golden sesame”...


No. 00101452

Wholegrain Sesame Paste(White) 100g

663 YEN ≒ 4.43 USD

Enjoy the smoothness and sweetness of the sesa...


No. 00100519

Bamboo・Goma-shio-Ume Pickled Perilla-40g

327 YEN ≒ 2.18 USD

Sesame with the refreshing flavor of Ume pickle...

*Out of stock

No. 00100403

Dry-salad Dressing-Golden Sesame-

380 YEN ≒ 2.54 USD

Sesame seasoning for bringing out the original ...


No. 00100305

Sprouted Golden Sesame Seeds (Raw, Rinsed)

400 YEN ≒ 2.67 USD

Rich taste of sesame. With whole natural energy...

*Out of stock

No. 00100304

Sprouted Black Sesame Seeds (Raw Rinsed)

400 YEN ≒ 2.67 USD

Rich taste of sesame. With whole natural energy...

*Out of stock

No. 00100301

Sprouted Golden Sesame Seeds (Toasted)

420 YEN ≒ 2.80 USD

Sesame revolution! Experiencing taste of parche...


No. 00100300

Sprouted Black Sesame Seeds (Toasted)

420 YEN ≒ 2.80 USD

Sesame revolution! Experiencing taste of sprout...

[1 - 10] of [16]
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