
Sprouted Golden Sesame Seeds (Raw, Rinsed)

Item Number:00100305
Price:400 YEN
≒ 2.66 USD

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Rich taste of sesame. With whole natural energy of life.

The artisan who knows about sesame very well has selected this golden sesame. Made it dried after naturally sprouting in running water with low temperature. This is the same size of rinsed sesame with high quality. The seed germinates while undergoing enzyme degradation on nutrition such as fatty ingredient and protein, and that changing into energy. When the protein is degraded, amino acid will increase. When carbohydrate is degraded, not only sugar group like oligosaccharide will increase, but also a part of the sesamin, which is one of the components of sesame lignan, will change into “sesamenol”. Golden sesame is called king of sesame. Its taste gets deeper thanks to its sweetness and it has much natural energy. Enjoy rich flavor of freshly roast at home.

The easy way of roast sesame at home by artisan
1) Put sesame into fine colander and immerse it in the water slightly.
2) Roast it in a pot with lid slowly over high heat but keep the pot some distance from the flame. Watch out not to get burnt.
3) It is Ok when a few of sesame popped with sound.
* Grind roasted sesame with mortar. It will get richer flavor.

-Ingredients: gold sesame
*Keep dry and consume shortly
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