Haramaki Belly Band Warmer

Cure Inner HARAMAKI Belly Band Warmer

  • Dyed with vegetables
  • Made of organic cotton ECOTEX class 1 certified
  • Interwoven rubber is also ECOTEX Class 1 certified
  • Fit your body but not tight because made with special weaving method
  • You can put on waist, neck, head, anywhere
What's HARAMAKI belly band benefits?
By warming the midsection, wearing a HARAMAKI belly band increases blood circulation throughout the body, thus warming up the wearer from the core out to the extremities, without the bulk of layering. There's certainly a reason why HARAMAKI belly bands are worn by so many people in Japan.
  • Improved circulation - The belly band keeps the body warm by increasing blood circulation in vital organs and therefore throughout the body.
  • Instant relaxer - The belly band helps calm you down, especially great at bedtime.
  • Help with digestion and aid in keeping the midsection lean
  • Protection - Shields the delicate skin of the midsection against exposure to cold, drafts, and other environmental hazards. The HARAMAKI belly band also protects the kidneys, which are the foundation of health according to traditional Eastern medicine.
  • More warmth, less bulk. - Provides warmth to the core of the body, thereby aiding in raising the temperature of the entire body, without the bulk of layering.
  • Relief - Provides relief from lower back pain and minor stomach irritations by warming the area, as with menstrual cramps in women.
  • Support - Provides support to the stomach, lower back, and in particular for the expanding stomach of pregnant women.
What is CHAKRA?
In Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, a chakra is thought to be an energy point or node in the subtle body. Chakras are believed to be part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such, are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels called nadi. Nadi are believed to be channels in the subtle body through which the life force (prana) (non-physical) or vital energy (non-physical) moves. Various scriptural texts and teachings present a different number of chakras. It's believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body, according to the tantric texts, but there are seven chakras that are considered to be the most important ones. (quoted from Wikipedia)

1st Chakra (Muladhara), 2nd Chakra (Svadhishthana)
Eurasian herb having small yellow flowers and red roots formerly an important source of the dye alizarin. From of old, called "purification flower", believed to be effective for women's diseases, neurosis, blood circulation, heat keeping, and reluxation.

2nd Chakra (Svadhishthana), 3rd Chakra (Manipura), 4th Chakra (Anahata)
In old Egypt, used for medicine that bring back youth. In the 17th century, it used as medicine for various diseases.

4th Chakra (Anahata), 5th Chakra (Vishuddha), 6th Chakra (Ajna)
Deciduous subshrub of southeastern Asia having pnnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers. It has been used for the dyeing of the everyday clothing for a long time in Japan. Indigo dyed cloth has effect to control a bacteria and protect against insects.

7th Chakra (Sahasrara)
Blood wood. Spiny shrub or small tree of Central America and West Indies having bipinnate leaves and racemes of small bright yellow flowers and yielding a hard brown or brownish-red heartwood used in preparing a black dye. Pigment "hematoxylin" turning blue is used to dye an organization cell in the medical spot.

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No. 00800637

Cure Inner Belly Band Warmer Chakra Warmer 7th Sahasrara (purple)

4,290 YEN ≒ 22.59 GBP

Chakra Warmer 7th SahasraraColour: purpleSize: ...


No. 00800636

Cure Inner Belly Band Warmer Chakra Warmer 6th Ajana (navy)

4,290 YEN ≒ 22.59 GBP

Chakra Warmer 6th AjanaColour: navySize: waist ...


No. 00800635

Cure Inner Belly Band Warmer Chakra Warmer 5th Vishuddha (blue)

4,290 YEN ≒ 22.59 GBP

Chakra Warmer 5th VishuddhaColour: blueSize: wa...


No. 00800634

Cure Inner Belly Band Chakra Warmer 4th Anahata (green)

4,290 YEN ≒ 22.59 GBP

Chakra Warmer 4th AnahataColour: greenSize: wai...


No. 00800633

Cure Inner Belly Band Warmer Chakra Warmer 3rd Manupura (yellow)

4,290 YEN ≒ 22.59 GBP

Chakra Warmer 3rd ManupuraColour: yellowSize: w...


No. 00800632

Cure Inner Belly Band Warmer Chakra Warmer 2nd Swadhisthana (orange)

4,290 YEN ≒ 22.59 GBP

Chakra Warmer 2nd SwadhisthanaColour: orangeSiz...


No. 00800862

Cure Inner Belly Band Warmer Chakra Warmer 1st Muladhara (pink)

4,290 YEN ≒ 22.59 GBP

Chakra Warmer 1st MuladharaColour: pinkSize: wa...

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