
Kyoto Style Rice Cracker-Tamari Flavor-

Item Number:00100209
Price:547 YEN
≒ 3.65 USD

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Delivery from Kyoto. Traditional Kyoto style rice cracker

Important points for rice cracker are; the taste of dough and, crunchy texture and roast flavor coming from perfect cooking time. There are special names of each traditional process, which can be used only specific rice cracker that its artisan makes a traditional way all-through from rice milling till finish. Those names are; “Marutsubu-mushi (round shape tablet steaming)” means steaming up sticky rice with round tablet shape as it is in basket steamer, “Shizen kansou (naturally dried)” means dry cut sticky rice slowly in natural way, “Yaki-age (frying)” is the key to determine the taste, “Kyo-arare (Kyoto style rice cracker)” is the traditional local snack in Kyoto, which is made in a traditional way with artisan’s much effort, long experiences and intuition

Enjoy the mild taste coming from a harmony with; the specific deliciousness of sticky rice pounded with pestle, and traditional seasoning, “Hon-tamari”, which is made from only soy bean and salt.

-Ingredients:glutinous rice, tamari soy sauce(including soy bean), real mirin, refined sake
-Best for date:180 days after the production

This product is very fragile so the contents might be broken during transportation. Please order this product only after acknowledging this fact.
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