
Sacred Fruit Sea-buckthorn 100% 900ml

Item Number:MB0683
Price:4,417 YEN
≒ 29.80 USD

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This is a dietary functional food (vitamin C). This product is made
of straight fruit juice of sea-buckthorn and has vitamin C approx.
6 times more than lemon.

-100g of product contains vitamin C 277mg.
-For the first time in the world , this product was awarded the silver medal at Monde Selection 2005.
-This product is made of entirely straight juice obtained compressing the fruits.
-This product is very fresh as the juice is obtained within 3 hours after the harvest of the fruits.
-The seeds cultivated for this product have a high productivity and adaptability to the severe environments.
-Neither sugar nor additive is applied to this product at all.
-This product contains more than 200 kinds of nutrient, namely vitamins, minerals, amino acids polyphenol and so on.
-Vitamin C contained in this product is 6 times, 63 times and 83 times more than lemon, grape and apple respectively.
-Sea-buckthorn is a plant growing in the severe environments, such as dessert and highlands, belonging to Elaeagnaceae family.

Raw material: Sea-buckthorn (product of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China)

Best before first opening from the date of production:18 months at room temperature


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