
Yellow Ume Plum Cordial (710ml)

Item Number:00100222
Price:1,663 YEN
≒ 11.07 USD

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Ripe plum syrup with golden honey

Pitted yellow golden ripe plum flesh has been simmered slowly until soft and then pureed. The puree is mixed together with green plum syrup which has been sweetened with coarse sugar and honey. Mix it with soda water or just pour it on ice. The rich flavoursome aroma and thick smooth taste spread in your mouth. This unusual and unique taste (a little like peach juice) gives you a new discovery of the plum.

-Ingredients: plum, sugar, honey

-How to store: Keep dry and avoid heat and direct sun light.
After opening, seal tightly and keep in the refrigerator.
-Best before date: 180 days from production date.
* Shake well before using as the pulp will remain on the bottom.

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