
Brown Rice Cafe

Item Number:00100221
Price:1,349 YEN
≒ 9.15 USD

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Brown rice coffee with light taste; deep roasted

Non-glutinous brown rice from Kumamoto prefecture is grown by the universe along a natural law.
No chemical fertilizer, chemically synthesized agrichemical are used. It has been roasted slowly with effort and make it fine powder. It has roast flavour and taste of both bitterness and sweetness of grain. This is deep roasted brown rice coffee, which has slight bitterness like espresso coffee. Dark roasted brown rice is ancient succeeded wisdom. When you take it by melting with hot water, it warms up the core of your body. This is mild drink with “no caffeine”. It is good for not only with hot drink, but with cold in summer time, or also like café au lait. It has much minerals and energy of brown rice.

[Best way to take]
Putting a teaspoon (4-5g) of brown rice powder coffee into a cup, and melt it with about 150-200ml of hot water. The amount of the hot water is according to your preference. You can enjoy espresso style with less hot water, and American style with more hot water.
*To avoid clumping, add small amount of hot water to melt it and to make it paste. Then add rest of hot water till your prefer thickness and mixing it well.

-Ingredients:brown rice (from Kumamoto prefecture)
-Best for date: half year after the production

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