
Wide Arame from Oki

Item Number:00100040
Price:427 YEN
≒ 2.89 USD

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Oki Arame which has rich flavor of the seashore

We are bringing you the Arame from Oki Island that has delicate food texture and rich flavor of the seashore. Only the new sprouts of Arame that were harvested during its brief season, from April to early June was selected, and was boild in a large kettle carefully and desiccated. They are tender even though they are filling as their looks. This seaweed are easy to be use in daily meals. Just soak them in water to return them to their natural state and use them to make stir-fry dishes with vegetables and "Abura-age" (Japanese deep fried bean curd), Tempura, and "Aemono" (chopped fish, shellfish or vegetables, dressed with miso or other sauces). In Oki Island and Izumo area, people usually add them to miso soup. Please enjoy the rich taste of natural Arame that come from the beautiful ocean where with a strong current.

-How to soak Oki Arame to bring out its delicious flavor
  1. Fill a container, such as a large bowl, with plenty of cold water.
    Soak Oki Arame in it for about 15 minutes.
  2. When it has returned to its original soft consistency, scoop it out by hands, and put it in a strainer (a colander or a bamboo straining basket). Discard the water.
  3. Keeping it in the strainer, wash it two or three times.Then thoroughly drain the water.
-How to eat

Stir-fry it lightly with oil, season with "Dashi" soup, soy sauce and Mirin (Japanese rice wine, similar to sake, but with a lower alcoholic content and higher sugar content), etc. It is very easy to use, that you can also use it in stir-fry dishes with vegetables and "Abura-age" (Japanese style deep fried been curd), "Aemono" (chopped fish, shellfish or vegetables, dressed with miso or other sauces) and salads or other dishes.

-Ingredients: Arame (from Oki Island of Shimane Prefecture)
-Best before date: 1 year
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