
Pure brewed light soy sauce 500ml

Item Number:00100136
Price:950 YEN
≒ 6.32 USD

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Light soy sauce with sweetness

This product is simply made from flour, soy beans and salt. It is said that the quality of cooking depends on the raw materials, but the quality of seasonings depends on the raw materials as well. As ingredients, we use flour, soy beans and sun-dried salt, grown without any chemical fertilisers, synthetic agri-chemicals or herbicides.

Naturally matured by a traditional brewing method that reacts with the changing seasons, this soy sauce has a superb depth of taste, which extracts the umami flavour of the ingredients.

Soy sauce is indispensable in elegant Japanese cooking as it enhances the colour and the flavours of the basic ingredients. This product is from one of the outstanding soy sauce brewery area in Kansai.

Light soy sauce has less maturing time than regular soy sauce, so you may think it contains more salt, however, there is only 0.25g of difference per 100ml*. You can make stock from bonito, dried shiitake mushroom or konbu seaweed and add some light soy sauce, which will enhance the flavours and aroma of the stock.
Light soy sauce is also recommended with stewed dishes that make the most of pale coloured vegetables, for example, the yellow in potatoes or the light white colour of onions. In Japanese cooking, it is believed that the appearance and colour of the dishes are vitally important points to make food more appetising. Adding a bit of light soy sauce will make your Japanese dishes very special!

* Comparing sodium content of light and regular soy sauce of our company

-Ingredients: Organic soy beans (produced in Japan, non-genetically modified), flour (produced in Japan), salt
-Best before date: 540 days from production
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