
Sarari Surari Tea 6 box set

Item Number:HF9002
Price:15,163 YEN
≒ 100.89 USD

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Sarari Surari Tea is the perfectly blended herbal tea to support your anti aging effort, mineral intake as well as your yin and yang balance, with six herbs from Indian herb Salacia to Orienctal and Japanese herbs. “Qi power salt” in the tea gives the antioxidant effect.

- Salacia blended tea

- Quantity: 180g (6g x 6 tea bags x 5) x 6 boxes

- Contains: Salacia (India), Sickle Senna (India), Hatomugi (Japan), germinated Naked Barley(Japan), New Zealand spinach(Indonesia), Gymnema Sylvestre(India), Salt(Qi power salt)

- Brewing instructions: Place one tea bag in one litter of water and bring it to a boil. Let the tea full draw for five minutes at low heat and bring the tea bag out. You can enjoy Sarari Surari Tea either in hot or cold, but hot tea is better when you need to keep your body warm.

- Expiration Date: 2 years after production date

- Storage instructions: Please avoid direct sunlight heat and humidity, please store in a cool place.
< Test result of residual agricultural chemicals in Sarari Surari Tea >

Sarari Surari Tea is free from the residual agricultural chemicals.

Nutrition facts: (Amount Per 100ml by following the brewing instructions)

Total Carbohydrate0.2g

Caffeine free, Tannin free (undetected)

< Contains >


Salacia is a climbing plant grown in semitropical regions such as India and Sri Lanka. Plants of the Salacia genus have been used in India and Sri Lanka since ancient times, and have been highly appreciated among people who are interested in keeping healthy. To gain health benefits, people pour water into wooden bowls made from the roots or hollowed trees of Salacia and drink the water before meals.

Sickle Senna

Papilionaceous is widespread in tropical regions. The dried seed is called “Ketsumeishi.” Its health enhancing properties are well known. “Habu tea”is also made from this plant. The tea is loved by people who often have drinking sessions after work or who want to spend everyday being healthy.


Hatomugi is good for beauty because from a macrobiotic point of view it enhances femininity. Hatomugi contains significant amounts of protein, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin B1, and fiber. Moreover, Hatomugi helps maintain regularity of elimination.

Germinated naked barley

Sprouted naked barley is a kind of barleycorn. It is called “naked barley” because once threshed, the skin around the corn is easily removed. The barley contains fiber, selenium, polyphenol, B-complex vitamins, and has anti-oxidant benefits that counteract the effects of aging and degenerative diseases.


Hamachisya is also known as New Zealand spinach. It is a perennial and grows in sandy beach areas. Hamachisya contains fiber, protein, and calcium. In addition, it is a high nutrition plant which contains significant amounts of oceanic minerals, and is good for people with poor dietary habits, or high levels of stress and who want the“Sarari Surari”life.

Gymnnema Sylvestre

This herb has been used in India for a long time. It contains gymnemic acid, which is extracted from the leaves. Gymnnema Sylvestre is recommended for reducing any craving for eating sweets.

Qi power salt

Calcifying the bay salt produced on the salt farm of Pigum Island creates Qi power salt. This salt contains many minerals and has anti-oxidant benefits that counteract the effects of aging and degenerative diseases. The salt is created by handed down secret techniques and the blessing of nature.


Radiation Measurement Report

【measured by Macrobiotic Asia】

measurement conditionmeasurement result
product numberHF9000〜HF9003measurement ID00020
product nameSarari Surari TeaI131(Iodine131)Not Detected(ND)
measurement dateDec 8, 2011Cs134(caesium134)Not Detected(ND)
measurement second1800 secondsCs137(caesium137)Not Detected(ND)

・measuring machine:AT1320A(2.5" x 2.5" NaI scintillator) made in Belarus

Spectroscopic screening, Recording and analysis software are made in Japan

・detection limit:value given by the manufacturer is 3.7Bq/Kg. Any amount below this will be regarded as "Not Detected (ND)".

Moreover, if it does not show at each peak position in the Spectroscopic analysis, it will also be regarded as "Not Detected (ND)".

・sample amount:this machine needs 1 liter per sample.

・installation location of the machine:Shimogyo-chu Kyoto, Prema Village Kyoto


This is a regimen that incorporates such concepts as Zen, Feng-Shui, Yin Yang and Tao. These concepts unify the essence of Japans spirituality and outlook on the Universe.. The purpose of the Macrobiotic Asia website is to bring together products from Nature''s bounty as well as processed products and deliver them to the world in the Japanese spirit of harmony.

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