
Kaeru Series Natural Insect Repellent Powder

Item Number:3400
Price:1,080 YEN
≒ 5.69 GBP

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Easy to use, just by sprinkling! Eco-friendly and very safe! A 100% organic agent for pest control

Kaeru Series Natural Insect Repellent Powder is made using 100% natural dried pyrethrum flowers. The active ingredients in the powder is not harmful to humans or pets (mammals) and turns into soil by itself after use. Therefore is has little or no impact on the environment, and that makes it an ideal for everyday pest control.

This product is toxic to aquatic life and some other species !
Never use the powder around the following kinds of pets, it may be dangerous or even fatal to them:
Ornamental fish such as carps and goldfish, amphibians such as frogs and geckos, insects such as beetles, stag beetles and bell-ringing crickets.
Net Weight: 300g
Active Ingredient: Dried pyrethrum powder
Country of Manufacturing::Japan
Pyrethrum Ingredient:China
Size:24 X 8 CM

Usage Guidelines
1 Generally 30 to 50 grams per square meter is sufficient, however the amount can be increased or decreased as necessary.
2 Sprinkle the powder directly over the insects or apply bands of powder on their habitats, the area around the foundation of your house and other places.
3 The duration of effect is approximately 10 days, but it can vary depending on weather conditions.

Applying the powder after rain, or after sprinkling water on the area will make it more effective.

You can for example use it for ants that suddenly appear in the kitchen, spiders that build webs on the ceilings, and centipedes that crawl under eaves and into the entrance hall.

Use "Kaeru Series Natural Insect Repellent Powder made from 100% natural pyrethrum" to eliminate nuisance insects hiding in the kitchen, entrance hall, garden or storage, or under eaves.

Target insects: Woodlouse, spiders, centipedes, house centipedes, black ants and red ants.

Handling Guidelines:
1 Be careful to avoid contact with eyes and inhalation. Be particularly careful to avoid powder drifting in the wind. In the case that the product does get in your eyes. Clean your eyes thoroughly with water and if necessary, seek medical advice.
2 With some kinds of insects, it may take several hours for the active ingredient to be effective after adhering to them.
3 In case of accidental ingestion or if you feel unwell as a result of exposure to the product, seek medical advice immediately.
4 After using the powder, wash exposed skin thoroughly with soap.
Storage Guidelines
1 Keep the powder separate from food, drink, dishes , kitchen tools and pet feed. Avoid exposing the powder to direct sunlight, and store it in a cool dark place out of the reach of children.
2 Do not transfer the powder from its original container to another.
3 Use powder within three months after opening the container.

Kaeru Series Natural Insect Repellent Powder (Industrial Size, 1kg)
Kaeru Series Natural Insect Repellent Powder (Industrial Size, 10kg)

Other Kaeru Series products >>
What is the Kaeru Series? >>


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