
YMG Plus (Extracted Liquid from Marine Humic Substances)500ml

Item Number:MB6823
Price:8,424 YEN
≒ 44.12 GBP

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This product with strong acidity and high sterility assurance level is useful as beverage and for the application to skin as well.

-Marine Humic Substance means a liquid with nutrients extracted from marine humic soil trough underground water as solvent.
-Marine Humic Soil means a soil of the place which had been a sea in ancient times, then converted into a lake by diastrophism and later covered by land due to landslide, and at last became fertile and enriched in nutrients thanks to the fermentation and solution which took place repeatedly there of the body of animals and plants of both land and sea accumulated through the long time.
-For this product, the underground water coming from Aso mountains is used.
-Regarding the humic substances, many studies have been carried out by many parties headed by the International Humic Substances Society, namely the Japanese Humic Substances Society, national and private universities and other institutes and already various applications of this substance are reported
-This product contains many effective nutritious elements, namely natural amino acids ,enzymes, vitamins minerals and so on.
-The strong acidity of PH 2.8 assure the high sterility level to this product to make your skin smooth and the chelate minerals made by the combination of amino acids and minerals supplement you the minerals necessary to make your skin vivid and wet.
-This product is recommended by Mr. Hidehiko Tanaka, Honorary Professor of Okayama University.
-Drink this product diluting to 500 % thinner with water and so on. This product is good for gargling, applying on the skin and also for the sterilization of kitchen ware such as knife and chopping board.

Raw material: Water (underground water) & extracted humic
Best before first opening from the date of production: 2 years after at room temperature



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