
Lima natural cosmetics
Highly effective sunscreen foundation cream with ultraviolet reflected by fine particle titanium can cover skin with small quantity without powdering finish. Safe and secured makeup items such as natural and healthy rouge with safflower pigment and inorganic pigment, and aroma/tar style coloring/petroleum-derived free lipstick using only inorganic coloring agent based on vegetable oil.

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[1 - 10] of [52]

No. 01000562

LIMA NATURAL Lipstick / Nude Color Salmon Berry B-113 20g

4,950 YEN ≒ 32.86 USD

Unscented, tar free pigments, petroleum mineral...


No. MU64138


5,940 YEN ≒ 39.44 USD

Natural loose powder with a transparent shiny f...


No. MU63602

LIMA NATURAL Lipstick / Nude Color B-192 Mocha 3.6g

4,180 YEN ≒ 27.75 USD

Muted color -Beautiful quiet beige color lip...

*Out of stock

No. MU63600

LIMA NATURAL Lipstick/ Nude Color B-111 Pixy 3.6g

4,104 YEN ≒ 27.25 USD

Unscented, tar free pigment used, petroleum m...

*Out of stock

No. MU64152

LIMA NATURAL Cheek Glow Light Orange Refill 2.7g

1,650 YEN ≒ 10.95 USD

-Beautiful natural cheek glow derived from Saff...

*Out of stock

No. MU64153

LIMA NATURAL Cheek Glow Orange Refill 2.7g

1,650 YEN ≒ 10.95 USD

-Beautiful natural cheek glow derived from Sa...

*Out of stock

No. MU64154

LIMA NATURAL Cheek Glow Light Red Refill 2.7g

1,430 YEN ≒ 9.49 USD

-Beautiful natural cheek glow derived from Sa...

*Out of stock

No. MU64155

LIMA NATURAL Cheek Glow Red Refill 2.7g

1,650 YEN ≒ 10.95 USD

-Beautiful natural cheek glow derived from Sa...

*Out of stock

No. MU64150

LIMA NATURAL Cheek Glow Light Pink Refill 2.7g

1,650 YEN ≒ 10.95 USD

-Beautiful natural cheek glow derived from Saff...

*Out of stock

No. MU64151

LIMA NATURAL Cheek Glow Pink Refill 2.7g

1,650 YEN ≒ 10.95 USD

-Beautiful natural cheek glow derived from Saff...

*Out of stock
[1 - 10] of [52]
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