Green Tea
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No. 00100220 1,349 YEN ≒ 9.01 USD Dark roast brown rice tea; slowly roasted brown... |
No. 00100070 1,296 YEN ≒ 8.65 USD [limited quantity] Local product in Kikuchi, F... |
No. 00100327 925 YEN ≒ 6.18 USD No agrichemical, no chemical fertilizer! Bancha... |
No. 00100118 Organic Matured Coarse Tea (Tea Bag 5g×15bags) 796 YEN ≒ 5.31 USD We are sorry that this item is currently discon... |
No. 00100117 1,998 YEN ≒ 13.34 USD Easy-to-make tea bag type, just pour hot wate... |
No. MB2940 Organic Finely Powdered Japanese Green Tea (Tin) 30g 1,188 YEN ≒ 7.93 USD 100% Japan produce tea leaves, Refreshing sweet... |
No. MB0181 "Sencha" in a Golden Package 75g 1,350 YEN ≒ 9.01 USD We are sorry that this item is out of stock, an... |
No. MB0174 Three Years "Bancha" (Large) 600g 2,268 YEN ≒ 15.14 USD We are sorry that this item is out of stock, an... |
No. 9513 Special Three Years Bancha (Large) 550g 3,092 YEN ≒ 20.65 USD Ripe, Special choice item, Wood fire roast -... |