Meat Substitutes
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No. 00100322 Dried Tofu Cubes-Freeze-dried-(100g) 540 YEN ≒ 3.61 USD Super food for easy cookingKoya dried tofu is o... |
No. 00100321 Dried Tofu powder 〜Freeze-dried〜(100g) 394 YEN ≒ 2.63 USD Super food for easy cookingKoya dried tofu is o... |
No. 00100024 [Vege Meat] Soy Meat(Minced) 130g 608 YEN ≒ 4.06 USD Vege meat made from soy beans, but it is just l... |
No. 00100023 [Vege Meat] Soy Meat(fillet) 90g 467 YEN ≒ 3.12 USD Fried, grilled or broilled, it is 100% vegetabl... |
No. 00100022 [Vege Meat] Soy Meat(Block) 90g 467 YEN ≒ 3.12 USD Even though the only ingredient is soy beans, v... |