
Genki☆Zen-dama Lactic Acid Bacterium producing supplement (5g×30sachets)

Item Number:00101299
Price:4,200 YEN
≒ 28.04 USD

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Lactic Acid Extract Produced by Bacteria!

This supplement made of lactic acid bacterium producing extract with Japanese plum extract.

Its good for:

  • intestinal regulation

  • beautiful skin

  • immunostimulation

  • antiallergy

  • cholesterol-lowering

  • hypotension

  • anticancer

  • antithrombotic

  • hemogenesis

  • biophylaxis

  • disease prevention

  • diarrhea preventive

  • relieve constipation

  • diabetes preventive

  • anti aging

◆Selected 16 varieties of lactic acid bacteria
This is prepared by fermenting and aging sixteen varieties of lactic acid bacteria during one year at constant humidity and temperature. Then necessary components are extracted to enhance lactic acid bacteria production.
To take lactic acid bacterium with yogurt or something, it is difficult to multiply in the bowels because these bacteria is not lived in the bowels so just pass and leave.
This supplement support lactic acid bacterium which lived in your bowels, grow them up and increase.

This is fermentation extract made from soy milk produced using organic soybeans, which are animal origin free. Soybeans are cultivated by the contracted trusted farmhouse. Soy milk is an ideal environment for enhancement of lactic acid bacteria power.

Ingredients: fructo‐oligosaccharide, plum extract, lactic acid bacterium producing substance(soy beans, lactic acid bacterium), lactic acid

Best before first opening from the date of production: 2 years after at room temperature

How to take: 1 bag/day drink straight or with water


This is a regimen that incorporates such concepts as Zen, Feng-Shui, Yin Yang and Tao. These concepts unify the essence of Japans spirituality and outlook on the Universe.. The purpose of the Macrobiotic Asia website is to bring together products from Nature''s bounty as well as processed products and deliver them to the world in the Japanese spirit of harmony.

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