
Canola Oil(Unrefined) 460g

Item Number:00100127
Price:2,970 YEN
≒ 19.83 USD

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Exquisite rich taste naturally

From the blessings of the sun and earth, this traditional manufacturing method of our classic quality rapeseed oil brings out the full vibrant flavour and fragrance.
The seeds are dried under the sun to enrich the sweetness and taste, after which they are slowly roasted using a wood fire. The oil is then gently extracted using a compresstion press.

Classic rapeseed oil has a unique odour as there is no bleaching or deodorization. When used with other food, the beautiful golden colour and fragrant aroma has the power to enhance the taste of the ingredients as no other oil can.

The oil is left to settle and once it has stabilized, any fine inpurities are removed using the most natural filtration method possible.

At the final procedure, the oil foaming is closely monitored during the high temperature heating as a defoaming agent is not used. Only the superior pure oil is then bottled and delivered to you.

-Ingredients: edible rapeseed
-Best before date: Two years from production
*Comes in light proof bottles
Standard of Prema Shanti® product
Other Prema Shanti Series products >>


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