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Japanese fermentation technique with tropical Carica papaya be rich in Antioxident or Degradativeenzyme.

-Quantity: 90g (3g ×30sachets)
-Ingredients: Carica papaya, dextrose, edible yeast
Antioxidant component of Carica papaya

The main ingredient of Papaya fermentation food, Bio-Normalizer is the green papaya. It contained in polyphenol seven and a half times as much as red wine.

 But polyphenol is famous as representative antioxidant component to remove active oxygen, the green papaya contained in polyphenol as well as be rich in it such as β-cryptoxanthine, isothiocyanate, calpain. These components initiate a compositive action. It improves immunity of human and antioxidant as a result these are effective against in the preventive against cancer and alternate treatment.

 Recent years, stress smoking air pollution, agrichemical and other factors which have been made active oxygen is the problem has increased. However, the excellent antioxidant potential of the papaya which grows with powerfully under the intense tropical sun rays makes a great contribution for our lifestyle diseases provision.

Papain enzyme decompose the three of protein, fat and sugar.

 The green papaya is a rare food contained enzyme which decompose all of the three major nutrients as protease "proteolytic enzyme" , lipase "lipolytic enzyme" and amylaze "giycolytic enzyme (amylolytic)".

 As compared with other foods, digestive enzyme for decomposing and absorbing the nutrition has the way to behave great efficiently. As much as saved digestive enzyme, action of metabolic enzyme improve and be burned body fat faster.

 Particularly, digestive enzyme of the green papaya go well together meat dish as high-protein diet, therefore, it has more effect that consume the papaya at high protein meal.

 Many people associate resolved component of papain enzyme with laundry soap to remove tough stains of sebum cutaneum or dishwashing detergent have a beneficial effect on oil spot.

 Papaya enzyme is used not only foods but also softer or flexibilizer for the leather item.

Innovate the world class Japanese fementation technology

 The difference between general green papaya packaged food such as "the green papaya tea" or "the green papaya powder" and Bio-Normalizer is, the effect is more improved excellent component of the green papaya by "original enzyme"

 And then, we have analyzed excellent effectivity for a variety of pathology, disease by the scientific basis in cooperation with the authoritative investigative organ of all over the world.

 These research data's were disclosed in public as numerous academic papers.

 In addition, we spent 41 years on this research, and it was introduced in domestic and international media and it was praised by various nations.


Profile of Bio-Normalizer Inventor
Photo of James Akira Osato
Academician Professor

James Akira Osato(1930-2008)

Hon. Professor, Institute of Hematology, Russian State Medical University


1930Born in Kyoto
1965Establish Osato Nature Science Institute
February of the same year, incorporate Sun-O International, Inc.
1969Develop the nutraceutical, Bio-Normalizer
1989Start a full scale academic research, production, dissemination
1995Awarded the Metchnikoff Medal by the Memorial Institute, Nobel laureate Dr. Metchnikoff
1996Receive Ph.D. on agriculture at Gifu University
1997Named Academician by the Russian Academy of Medical Technical Sciences
1998Receive Honorary Doctorate from Yaroslav Technical University, Russia Conferred Honorary General, Medical Service (Space Medicine) Russian Air Force, Russian Federation
1999Awarded Quality of Life Prize as the top scientist in the First International Congress of the Ageing Society, Italy, auspices of WHO, Council of Europe
2000Establish Science and Humanity Prize under joint names with Dr. Lester Packer of USA, Dr. Luc Montagnier of France in the International Congress of the Oxygen Club of California
2008He leave Bio-Normalizer to contribute to people’s QOL greatly to the next generation and passed away on 27th Sep. He was 78 years old.

Start with the amount of indication above regardless of the name of disease or its condition. The amount of intake of Bio-normalizer is not stable. Find out the amount of the day by observing the change of your body condition or the level of fatigue in a day. It is the adequate amount when you feel whichever following condition below.
Now, free shipping charge to all over the world.
There are some things what you can do for yourself and your beloved one.
Purchase this Bio-normalizer and keep using for two weeks at least.
see detail on the manufacturer's website >>


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