"Diet" for losing weight in healthy way without rebound

It is hard to continue dieting even though I have decided to do it. I cannot lose weight as I want. Although you succeed in losing weight, you get health problem or rebound from dieting….
There are various problems regarding diet, but there is no meaning to do diet with unhealthy way.
Why don’t you lose weight in natural way?
Gain a proper knowledge to lose weight effortlessly and with healthy way, and take small consciousness and ideas into your everyday life.
Basic knowledge of diet
What on earth does it mean to lose weight in healthy way?
You often hear “the way to lose weight properly”, don’t you? Then, what on earth is like “the way to lose weight properly”?
We guess all of you have heard the word, “hidden obesity”. It is the situation that percentage of body fat exceeds its normal level by overeating or lack of excise, even though you have standard body weight or less than standard weight. This causes adult disease.
What is body fat in the first place?

Body fat indicates “accumulated fat in the body”. Body fat becomes not only the resource of energy for life, but also structural component of our cells and hormones. It also plays important role in adjusting hormones balance, maintaining body temperature, impact absorption to prevent body as cushion.
However, when it becomes too much body fat in the body, it affects the beginning or worsening of symptom of adult diseases such as high-blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. On the other hand, it is also the problem that body fat becomes extremely insufficient. This might cause the lack of vitality for skin and hair. It also brings abnormal hormone secretion and that causes unhealthy condition for your body.
The roles of body fat
- Energy source for life (accumulating energy)
- Adjustment of hormone balance
- Maintaining body temperature
- Cushion material for protecting body (impact absorption)
Types of fat
Fat can be divided into two types; visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Each characteristic is below mentioned.
Visceral fat
- Many of middle aged men mainly have.
- This becomes energy to move muscles.
- This puts on around internal organs.
- People who are called “with hidden obesity” have fat stored around internal organs.
- This causes various adult diseases such as high blood-pressure, diabetes, fatty liver, and so on.
- This can easily increase and burn off.
Subcutaneous fat
- Many of young women mainly have.
- It is also used as energy at pregnant and birth giving.
- This fat is located under the skin and it is possible to pinch by fingers.
- There are functions such as impact absorption, prevent body from temperature difference, and energy resource for life maintaining.
- When it increases too much, it leads to get cellulite.
- It is hard to increase and burn off.
How can we reduce body fat in healthy and efficient way?
Step 1: To know what makes body fat

Accumulated fat in the body is not the cause made by only eating fatty food. What makes fat is three kinds of nutritional resource; “carbohydrate, fat, and protein”. When you take food including these three nutrition more than you need, it becomes body fat as excess fat is not consumed all and then it accumulates in the body. Medically, it is not ”weighty person = obese”, but it is the people who are obese with “the situation of too much fat in the body”.
Step 2; To understand your own situation

You can confirm your obese value by “body fat percentage” or “BMI value”. We recommend you to measure with regularity to understand your own situation well firstly.
You can confirm your obese value by “body fat percentage” or “BMI value”. We recommend you to measure with regularity to understand your own situation well firstly.
In the market, it is sold the scale, which is able to measure your body fat percentage. The body fat scale measures our body fat by passing very weak electric current through the body. It is “the part where does not pass electric current indicates body fat”. This utilizes the characteristic that muscle including water such as blood, is easier to pass electric current, and while fat is hard to pass electric current.
The way to measure properly
- To measure with bare foot. (It is possible to prevent accident error when the point of applying current touches the skin directly.)
- It is the best time to measure with hungry time. (It is not good to measure just after you wake up, as water in the body has gone out during sleep.)
- To measure with good posture. (It takes time to pass electric current with bad posture, and it might cause the accident error.)
- To measure just around the same time every day. (To know the change properly with coherence)
To calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) value
“Body Mass Index” is the value indicates fat percentage that one person has. This is calculated from the relationship between weight and body height. This value indicates his/ her degree of obesity. It is the internationally famous way of calculation, and applied in Japan Society for the Study of Obesity and so on. This standard is announced by WHO in 1999. They made its normal range from 18.5 till 25.
BMI = weight (kg) / height (m) x height (m)
Ex) In case of a person, who has height 170cm, weight 70 kg
70kg / (1.70m x 1.70m) = about 24.2; this is the value of BMI of the person.
Step3: To get burn body fat by “control of dairy diet” + “exercise”
Dr. Makoto Ono (The Jikei University School of Medicine), a leading expert on the study and treatment of obesity, wrote a book “Graphic illustration, getting too fat can cure by checking dairy habit” (Shufu to seikatsusha). In the book, it is written that “Men with light obesity divided into two groups; one is to lose weight only by reducing food intake, and the other is to try both reducing food intake and doing exercise, and observed their process to lose weight for one month. Both groups could succeed to lose same amount of weight. However, it turned out that the group who did exercise, their LBM decrease less and body fat reduced effectively.”
In other words, diet with exercise does not reduce LBM (Lean Body Mass; this is medical technical terms indicates bone and muscle), and indicates that can lose weight in healthy and efficient way.
The point is to have good balance
Three important points to lose weight
To lose weight with healthy way, it is important to keep practicing with good balance, and not to place a disproportionate emphasis on something. For losing weight people should concentrate on “food”, “exercise“ and ”dairy habit”. To know properly about each points and its reason leads steady diet without rebounding.
- Food Take various kinds of food ingredients with good balance. Your small ideas and consciousness leads your diet success.
- Exercise For exercise, there is aerobic exercise, which breaks down body fat and sugar content. The other one is exercise without oxygen,-which increases basal metabolism and which can create body which is hard to gain weight.
- Dairy habit Have meal and go to sleep at steady time. Not to eat snacks between meals or not to stay up late. It is important to control your dairy life.
By controlling what you eat and diet steadily.
In this society, there are a lot of things that benefit from only to learn about. We can also say the same thing for the knowledge concerning eating habit aimed to diet. The effect of diet will be much different according to familiar effort or consciousness. There are not difficult things introducing below. Once you understand “why it is important and it is effective”, you can act one step deeper and this makes you continue the action, then you must make a success of steady diet.
Let’s have meal with regular rhythm.
~Be aware of prevention for decreasing basal metabolism by diet~
The basis of eating is to take three meals a day although it depends on each individual.
When you do not eat one meal, the time of hunger get longer and that causes more energy absorption than required at the next meal. Moreover, that drives you overeating and makes the cause of obesity.
What you should be careful for is, necessary nutrition will get deficient by diet. In particular, lack of protein which is necessary for constituting muscles, brings out that basal metabolism get decrease. This is not good for diet. This is why muscles play important role in promoting basal metabolism. As a guide, try to intake about 60g of good quality protein per a day.
Take care of the order to eat.
~To have consciousness of blood glucose level~
In traditional way of diet was mainly to control calories. In recent study, however, it has been turning out that the cause is not only calories, but also a rise of blood glucose value by eating is linked to obesity. When you hear blood glucose value, you may have image that people with diabetes need to take care of it. In fact, people who want to diet are also better to have consciousness.
When blood glucose value raises sharply or frequently, “insulin”, which is the hormone to decrease blood glucose value is secreted excessively. The insulin sends sugar as energy resource to each cell. In the case the sugar still remains even though sugar has been spread out to cells. The insulin sends remained sugar into “fat cell”, and as the result, that makes fat increase. Moreover, insulin interferes with degradation of body fat. To avoid in such a situation, we recommend you to eat the order like; in the first half of the meal, firstly vegetable, secondary main dish such as meat and fish, and in the later half, carbohydrate substance (such as rice and noodle) which is easily raise blood glucose value.
Eat with good balance from each food group
~The key words is “Ma, Go , Wa, Ya, Sa, Shi, I”~
Food mainly includes so called five component nutrient, “protein”, ”sugar content”, “fat”, “vitamin”, and “mineral”. All of these nutrients individually play an important role. Therefore, to lose weight healthily, it should not be unbalanced diet such as not to take sugar and fat. It is important to be careful for taking fewer calories a day than normal, and to take all of five nutrients equally.
Here it is the point that number of food. If you take as much food as you can, you can eat balanced food without effort. It is said that 30 ingredients a day is the guide, but it is not easy to count the number of food. So, have a conscious of food group with the words “Ma, Go, Wa, Ya, Sa, Shi, I”. In this way, you can take balanced nutrition that body needs without counting the number of food ingredients one by one.
Ma | Go | Wa | Ya | Sa | Shi | I |
Mame means Bean |
Goma means Sesame |
Wakame means Seaweed |
Yasai means Vegetable |
Sakana means Fish |
Shitake means Mushroom |
Imo means Potato, Taro, Chinese yam |
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Recomended Items for eating with good balance
Be careful of sugar content.
When you hear sugar content, you might have imagination of cakes and chocolate with sugar, or fruits with high sugar content. In fact, however, there contains sugar content in our dairy food such as rice, bread, or potatoes. When “starch” comes into body, it changes into sugar content.
Sugar content is broadly categorized as three types; “monomeric sugar” (such as glucose sugar and fructose), “disaccharide” (such as sugar), “polysaccharide” (such as starch included in rice, wheat, and potatoes). In the final stages, all these three change into glucose when they come into body. Glucose is our important energy resource, but when you take it in too much, the surplus is taken into fat cells and it becomes body fat. Monomeric sugar and disaccharide have rapid digestive absorption compared with polysaccharide and they easily cause blood sugar levels to rise sharply. Then secretion of insulin becomes too much, and they have characteristics to be accumulated as fat. Thus you need attention for taking those sugars.
However, grain includes lots of polysaccharide (such as rice or bread etc.). Be careful for taking too much of these food as they also increase fat.
Monomeric Sugar | Disaccharide | Polysaccharide |
Fruits and Honey etc. | Sugar etc. | Cereal Amylum such as Rice and Wheat etc. |
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Recomended Items for Suger Control
![]() Mochi Kome-ame (Rice syrup) |
![]() Mizuame (Potato starch Syrup) 160g |
![]() Organic Smooth Brown Rice Amazake 250g |
![]() Maple Syrup A Light Amber 330g (250ml) |
![]() Ohsawa's Brown Rice Syrup 300g |
Let’s eat food with low calories and high nutrition.
~Food with low fat and high protein~
To keep going your diet effortlessly, you need feeling of satisfaction such as “I have eaten enough”. We recommend you to use kitchen ingredients with low calories and high nutrition.
Recomended Items of Plant Protein
![]() [Vege Meat] Soy Meat(fillet) 90g |
![]() [Vege Meat] Soy Meat(Block) 90g |
![]() Dried Koya Tofu ~Freeze-dried~ |
![]() Kinako ~Roasted Sweet Soy bean Powder~ |
![]() Unconditioned Natural Soy Beans |
~Food with rich in vitamin, mineral, and dietary fiber~
Vitamin and mineral is classified in one of the five component nutrient. They are concerning various body metabolism act. When vitamins and minerals become insufficient, the body will get hard to lose weight. In these nutrition plays important role in our body, not only for diet. From the point of health aspect, the lack of those components will bring bad influence, so take food with those components positively with consciousness. It is also important to take dietary fiber. It helps you to prevent overeating as it is necessary for you to chew well. In dietary fiber, there are two kinds soluble and insoluble one. Soluble dietary fiber interferes with a sharp rise of blood glucose level and cholesterol absorption, and it sorbs cholesterol and carry it out. In the large intestine, it increases good bacterium. Insoluble dietary fiber promotes bowel movement, and has efficient of discharging harmful substances.
Recomended Items with Low Calorie and High Nourishment
![]() Dry Shirataki |
![]() Carika Celapi Ps501- Papaya Fermented Food (3 g x 40 sticks) |
![]() Japanese Kudzu Powder 200g |
![]() Kinako ~Roasted Sweet Soy bean Powder~ |
![]() Domestically Produced Harusame Noodle |
To try fasting
Recently, we often hear or see the word “fasting” at the same of “diet”. Fasting is originally conducted in the aim of religious ceremony or training, but recently, there are people increasing to do fasting for beauty and health.
When you do fasting, you can rest your digestive function which keeps working every day. It is said that the power of discharging accumulation of unwanted substances get stronger. Recently, also in Western countries, people say that fasting for health is getting popular and scientific study is well practicing.
“Fasting” is conducted by taking enzyme drink. It is made from fermented various plants (vegetable and wild plants) by sugar and making extraction. Fasting is practicing by taking the extract instead of food, and decreasing the normal food. Complete fasting such as disciplinants practice could be dangerous, but by using enzyme drink, you can take necessary calories, minerals and vitamins to maintain life while abstaining normal food. You can purify your body and mind gently. The other aim than diet, fasting can be reset for body and mind. It is one of the methods for you to try once.
Recomended Items of Food Supplements
![]() Sarari Surari Amino Acid Tablets |
![]() Plum Essence Tablet 450g |
![]() Itchnon -110 tablets |
![]() Carika Celapi Ps501- Papaya Fermented Food (3 g x 40 sticks) |
![]() Bio-Normalizer |
Let’s eat with chewing well
To eat quickly is bad for diet. It is important to take time to eat and chew well. This is also good for losing weight.
When you eat something and chew it, the signal of “eating” reaches to satiety center, where is located in hypothalamic area in the brain. It is said that it takes 15 to 30 minutes to have the phenomenon. When you eat quickly, you cannot help but eating too much as you finish eating before this signal comes out. To chew well has more advantages than diet. For you tend to eat quickly, please practice to eat slower and to chew well consciously.
Advantages for chewing food well

- To prevent overeating.
- To firm your face.
- To promote saliva production and to interfere with the reproduction of bacteria and fungus in the body.
- To help digestion absorption and to decrease irritation for digestion system.
- To help stay awake.
- To increase memory.
- To enhance motivation.
Be careful for taking too much alcohol.
It is said that alcohol is “the chief of all medicine”. If you take it proper amount, there are advantages such as to bring more blood flow and to relieve stress. However, taking too much alcohol is bad for diet. First of all, overtaking alcohol causes increasing neutral fat in the blood and body fat. Moreover, taking alcohol brings an increase in appetite and becoming better digestive ability. In this situation, you cannot stop eating snacks and that causes taking too much energy. When you cannot avoid taking alcohol in your relationship, we recommend you to take only one glass of alcohol, and to choose snack with rich in vitamin, mineral, and high protein.
Aerobic exercise and exercise without oxygen.
Exercise can be divided into mainly two types. One is “aerobic exercise”, burning off your body fat and sugar content. The other is “exercise without oxygen”, burning off sugar content in the body as energy.
Aerobic exercise and diet
What is aerobic exercise?
Aerobic exercise is an exercise taking in more oxygen than usual. The reason why aerobic exercise is active for diet is oxygen taken into the body burns off body fat and sugar content. Also, it can be expected a lot of good health effects other than the aim for diet. Aerobic exercise brings to strengthen physique, and to improve blood stream.
Ideal hours
More than two hours after the meal is the safest and best time to do aerobic exercise. It takes at least one hour to finish almost digestion and to come to raise blood glucose level. When you try to keep exercising under the situation of low blood glucose level, muscle is gradually getting weak. As the result, the function of body metabolism is also getting weak.
Therefore, the more you keep doing aerobic exercise, the easier to gain weight your body get. It is better to have time to rest after the meal, for two hours to do strong exercise, for one hour to do middle strong exercise, and for 30 minutes to do light exercise.
- Refrain from doing exercise just after you wake up in the morning. (As blood glucose level is low just after getting up in the morning.)
- Refrain from doing exercise when you are the hungriest time. (As blood glucose level is low when you are hungry.)
- Refrain from doing exercise just after the meal. (It becomes burden for digestive organs and that causes digestive trouble.)
Exercise intensity
When you do aerobic exercise, it is “breathing” that is the point to give consciousness. Check your breathing all the time. Fat combustion effect becomes less in both light and heavy exercise. As the guide, it is good with “a little bit heavier breathing” than everyday life. To express it with heartbeat, it is “110 to 120 beat per minute”. (There is individual difference.) For example, to talk about walking, do not walk weakly, but walk with good tempo and bigger step than usual, and walk faster.
When the exercise gets heavier with your stronger power, it will turn into exercise without oxygen and sugar content is consumed first, then fat combustion effect becomes less. The lactic acid gets accumulating and it becomes the cause of tiredness. Also it will be hard to continue exercise for long time under the situation. As the burden for the heart becomes bigger, it is necessary to be careful for aged people and people who has high blood pressure.
1) The way for estimating the pulse of exercise time.
(To do exercise in order to get calculated pulse.)
Karvonen Formula (heartbeat during exercise)
Heartbeat (pulse per minute) = ((220 – age) –heartbeat during rest) x (0.5 to 0.7*) + heartbeat during rest
*This value indicates strength of exercise. It is appropriate to calculate with 0.5 (50%) for who is low physical strength, aged people, and people with disease. For who having good strength, who are 30-40 years old, and who do not have any disease, using 0.7 (70%) for the calculation. The other case than both above, using 0.6 (60%) for the calculation.
Ex) In the case the person with his age 40 years old, with heartbeat during rest = 70, doing exercise with strength of 50 to 70%;
0.5 to 0.7 x ((220 - 40) - 70) + 70 = 125 to 147
This means that it is good for him to do aerobic exercise with his heartbeat of 125 to 147 during doing diet.
Easy method
Heartbeat (pulse/munite) =138 – (age/ 2)
2) The way estimated from your subjective feeling.
(Doing exercise with the feeling of 11 to 13 indicated below.)
The feeling of 11 to 13 (comfortable till a little bit hard) by Borg Scale (subjective exercise intensity).

It is ideal to do aerobic exercise more than three times a week. Of course there is no problem to do more than that. It is more effective to do aerobic exercise for 20 minutes a day in “three days a week”, than one hour aerobic exercise for “one day a week”. This is because it is possible to accumulate the effect from former exercise to the next exercise.
In recent study, it is said to be efficient in the case doing exercise of low strength for long time, or dividing total exercise time in a day into smaller time bit by bit. People who are difficult to have some quality time for exercise can begin little by little without giving up exercise.
Exercise without oxygen and diet
What is exercise without oxygen?
It is the exercise that mainly using instantaneous force. It is the one to stop breathing instantaneously. This exercise consumes sugar content buildup in the muscle as its energy resource. The muscle will get trained and increase in the body by this exercise without oxygen, then your body become easy to consume sugar content in normal life. This is called basal metabolism is growing. Exercise without oxygen is recommended to people who want to have curvy body. However, when muscle loading is big, that makes muscle fibers thick, and that brings you a muscular build. Therefore, to have curvy and slim body, make muscle loading of exercise small, and gain the frequency of exercise.
What basal metabolism is using energy all the time to maintain various life activities such as breathing, moving heart, and keeping body temperature. People who have low basal metabolism is hard to lose weight. Basal metabolism is slowing down with age.
Ideal hours
It is said to be suitable time for muscle training is night time. When you do exercise and train your muscle, muscle fiber get hurt and cut. It is the night time that parasympathetic nerve start working and the hurt muscle is frequently repaired and produced. However, it is better to avoid strong exercise just before going to bed as nerves clutch, and then there are possibilities to make hard to fall asleep or to have light sleep.
The point for muscle training

- Do exercise slowly.
If you do exercise aimed for diet, take time for one action even though the number of action is small. For example, if you do sit-ups, try to practice ups for five seconds and 10 sets of sit for five seconds. - Give consciousness to involved muscle.
Your muscle is gradually breaking down unless you keep giving stimulation on muscle. It is always important to continue. - Keep training on muscle.
To promote saliva production and to interfere with the reproduction of bacteria and fungus in the body.
Do stretch at the same time.
Think that muscle training for raising basal metabolism and stretching should be done at the same time. To Stretch before doing muscle training makes tension of your muscle supple and prevents from injury.
Moreover, place importance on stretching after muscle training as well. This relieves tiredness of muscle and aimed to lighten the burden for your heart. It is necessary for safe exercise to do warming up and cooling down.
Points for stretching

- Stretch slowly not to gain momentum.
- Do exercise naturally without stop breathing.
- Keep stretching for 10 to 30 seconds.
- Do not stretch until you feel pain. (Do not overexert.)
- Give your consciousness to the part you are stretching.
- Do stretch with smile.
Lifestyle habit
Regular lifestyle habit
Advantages for waking up early in the morning.

It is said that habit of early rising has an effect of adjusting autonomic nerves and regulates the function of internal body clock and the balance of sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve. Regulate lifestyle habit that starting from early rising produce your life rhythm with good energy metabolism. On the other hand, the habit of getting up late in the morning can lead to stay up late, and that makes bad opportunity to eat late at night. We can say habit of early rising has advantages for diet in the meaning of, along with your original body rhythm, doing exercise well efficiently and decreasing opportunity for extra eating.
Advantages for taking enough sleep

Lack of sleep makes constitution of easy to gain weight. One of the reasons is that the balance of "leptin (appetite suppressing hormone that fat cell secrets)" and "ghrelin (appetite stimulation hormone produced from stomach)" will be collapsed. The shortage of sleep increases appetite stimulation hormone, "ghrelin" and decreases appetite suppressing hormone “leptin”. This leads overeating. According to the study of Chicago University, under the situation of lack of sleep, the people tend to be great eater of high fat and high carbon hydrated foods. Moreover, ability to exchange glucose (carbon hydrate) into energy gets lower, and glucose which is not metabolized as energy will accumulate as fat. To put it the other way around, if you are taking enough sleep, the balance of hormone gets normal. As the result, you do not feel extra hunger and fat gets easier to get burn as metabolism is improved efficiently.
Points of sleep which leads success of diet
Appropriate sleeping time
According to the study of overseas, people sleeping for seven to eight hours have the lowest degree of obesity. Degree of obesity gets higher more or less than seven to eight hours sleeping time. Specifically, people who sleep for five hours have 50% more obesity percentage, and who have less than four hours have 73% more. The same result is coming out from the study analyzed data of Japanese health checking. After conducting the relationship between average sleeping time and tendency to become obese among about 20,000 Japanese men, it turns out that people who have less than five hours sleeping time is easier to become obese compared with people who have more than five hours of sleeping time. (Referenced an article by Mr. Satoshi Tsubota, All about <belonging to; The Japan Medical Association, Japan Society of Sleep Research, Japan Coach Association>)
Improvement for quality of sleep.
- Regular sleep
Look for your best sleeping time to be able to get up refreshed between seven to eight hours sleep. Then take your enough sleeping time. - Avoid to take caffeine six hours before sleep.
It is generally said that it takes six hours that effect of caffeine disappear. - Do not take alcohol three hours before sleep.
It is true to promote falling asleep with taking small amount of alcohol, but when you take much amount of alcohol, it will cheapen the quality of your sleep and prevent your deep sleep. - Finish intense exercise four hours before sleep.
It is hard for you to fall asleep as body temperature rises by intense exercise. - Get exposed to the sun for about 15 minutes every day
Sun bath resets your biological clock, and prepares the secretion of melatonin, hormone of sleep.
The other lifestyle for bringing up basal metabolism.
Already mentioned above, but there are three kinds of metabolism.
Basal metabolism | Energy that is minimum required for maintaining life. It is consumed under the situation of body and mind at rest. |
Life activity metabolism | Energy consumed in dairy activity or exercise. |
Diet Induced Thermogenesis (DIT) | Energy consumed by action for taking food, digestion and absorption. |
Of all three, normally, 70% of total energy consumption a day is dominated “the amount of basal metabolism”. In other words, if you can learn lifestyle which raises this basal metabolism more, you might realize losing weight in natural way.
People who has low basal metabolism
- Body temperature is below in the 35s degrees Celsius.
- With irregular menstruation.
- With a cold constitution. (Having cold limbs)
- Easy to get tired.
- Having bad awake in the morning.
- Not sweating so much.
- Sleeping time is less than five hours.
- With constitution of easy to gain weight only to eat small amount.
- Having stiff shoulders and a back problem.
- Usually, being a little bit lack of exercise.
- Having a bad complexion.
- With low blood pressure.
- Being a little bit of irregular eating habits.
- Being a picky eating.
Very easy ways to improve basal metabolism in dairy life
- Go to bed early and get up early.
- Eat breakfast and rise your body temperature from the morning.
- Spend with good posture.
- Warm up from inside your body by taking drink with ginger etc.
- Eat high protein food and become easy to get muscles.
- Improve the circulation of the blood by wearing properly-fitting underwear.
- Do not turn the thermostat down too much in the summer.
- Half body bathing with its temperature 38 to 40 degrees Celsius for more than 20 minutes.
- Keep doing aerobic exercise for 10 minutes every day, such as walking fast.
- Get the kinks out of your muscles by stretching, and improve blood stream.
To improve your posture
When you straighten muscles of the back, erector muscle of spine get power. Here is a part that the most of the slow muscles, which is the muscle mostly used when you need endurance or do aerobic exercise, is concentrating. Therefore, it is said that only to stretch muscles of the back leads more metabolism compared to being bad posture.
To warm up your body
Sensitivity for cold occurs by lowering deep body temperature. When deep body temperature get one degree Celsius lower, it is said that basal metabolism decrease about 12%. In the case of a woman with 1200 kcal of average basal metabolism amount a day, she cannot consume
As blood vessel is running just under the skin of ankles, it is easier to warm up your body when you warm up this part first.
To utilize bath or shower

Take a long tepid bath with its temperature of 37 to 40 degrees Celsius. You can soak in a bathtub for long time without giving burden to the heart when you soak half body, not to soak till shoulder. As you take half body bath with tepid bath, the number of blood circulation in the body will increase and then metabolism amount also increase. Your body gets warmed, and automatic nerve is also adjusted.
It is ideal to soak in a bathtub until you will sweat, if possible, for more than 20 minutes is recommended. In case it is hard for you to sweat, it promotes sweating with one or two tablespoons of salt into the bath. Your skin will change beautiful as waste material is passed out of the body together with much sweat.

Put 40 degrees Celsius of hot water and 20 degrees Celsius of cold water alternately for 30 seconds each to the backside of your neck. Repeat this action for some times. However, start with tepid water first and lower the temperature gradually as it will be a burden to the heart by putting on cold water suddenly. There are densely packed with brown fat cell in shoulder blades and around them. (The brown fat cell is having a function of releasing calories from foods as energy.) To stimulate the part, that makes the function of brown fat cell active and makes body easy to burn fat. Moreover, if you additionally do stretch or exercise moving shoulder blades, the stream of blood and lymph is improved, and that brings effect to take rid of swelling of your body etc.